Trick Training


Why Trick Training?

  • Improves communication between you and your dog

  • Strengthens the bond between you and your dog

  • Fosters engagement and focus from your dog

  • Builds confidence

  • Uses positive reinforcement training methods (no aversives, no punishment)

  • Provides physical and mental stimulation and challenges for your dog

  • Improves your ability to train and understand your dog

  • You and your dog can work together as a team and set a goal to earn trick titles (we can evaluate trick titles through Do More With Your Dog!)

  • It’s fun!

We offer both in-home and online trick training lessons and can help you earn Trick Dog titles for you and your dog.


Set A Goal - Earn Trick Titles With Your Dog!

To earn a title, the dog demonstrates a minimum number of tricks from a list for a Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI). The tricks may be demonstrated on different days, in person, or via video. Each level of title needs to be earned before you can progress to the next level. Once earned, your dog’s name and title will be listed on the official title holders webpage; you will receive a certificate and ribbon; and you may add the corresponding suffix to your dog’s name.

  • Novice Trick Dog (NTD)

  • Intermediate Trick Dog (ITD)

  • Advanced Trick Dog (ATD)

  • Expert Trick Dog (ETD)

  • Trick Dog Champion (TDCH)

See a sample list of Dog Tricks here


Do More With Your Dog!

Do More With Your Dog! (DMWYD) is the world’s leading trick dog program and official sanctioning body for the sport of dog tricks. Trick titles can be earned through DMWYD and are recognized by the AKC and the CKC. Dogs Evolved’s Lead Trainer is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI) and can not only evaluate you and your dog for your trick titles, but can also provide training sessions to help you and your dog earn your titles.


Schedule Trick Dog Training Sessions

We can help you earn your trick dog titles, or simply introduce you and your dog to the sport of dog tricks!

We offer customized Trick Training sessions and packages. Whether you are new to the world of dog tricks and training and need guidance to get started, or are already teaching your dog tricks and just need a little help on particularly challenging tricks, we’re here to help! We offer both in-person and remote online sessions to get you and your dog well on your way to learning a wide variety of tricks!

30-min online session: $20
60-min online session: $35
60-min in-person private session (in your home or nearby park) $49**

Packages are available that include Trick Dog title evaluation along with official DMWYD trick title certificate and ribbon once you earn your title(s).

**Pandemic Special!! This is a limited-time offer (in-person trick sessions normally $55).