Tricks List
Novice Trick Title
Requires 15 tricks/points. Tricks may be from novice, intermediate, advanced or expert list. Advanced and expert tricks count as two points for novice and intermediate titles. Higher level tricks may be repeated for other titles. Physical Manipulation may not be employed to the dog to do a trick. Treats and toys may be used as a lure, but on no more than 50% of the tricks. Tricks must be taught through positive reinforcement methods. The dog may be on leash but leash should not be used to guide the dog into positions.
2 on 2 off
Back up in a chute
Balance Beam/Dog Walk
Balance Cookie on Nose
Bang Game (smack a board)
Bar Jump
Biscuit under Sofa (Logic test)
Bow under a magic square
Catch an object in mid air
Cavalettis in an arc
Dog push ups
Drop it
Fetch (bring it near me)
Find the Hidden Treats
Disc Roller
Focus (hold eye contact 5 seconds)
Hand Signals (3 behaviors)
Head tilt
Hide and seek (find me)
Hoop Jump
Jump for joy (jump straight up)
Jump over a bar
Jump over my knee
Kennel up (send to crate or bed)
Leave it
Loose Leash Walking
Memory Game (3 baskets)
Muffin Tin Game
Paws in a box/magic square
Paws up on an object
Peekaboo (center position)
Platform jump (two platforms)
Rainbow Ladder
Ride in moving cart/wagon
Ring a bell to go outside
Roll out a carpet with nose
Send to Pedestal (send to platform, 3 ft/~1 m)
Sing/ Howl
Spin Circles
Stacking (conformation)
Stay, 6 feet(2m) 10 seconds
Target disk, nose touch to disk
Target Stick, nose touch stick
Touch my hand, nose touch
Treadmill sustained trot
Wall Stand
Weenie/treat bobbing
Which hand holds the treat
Wobble board
Intermediate Trick Title
Requires 12 tricks/points. Tricks may be from intermediate, advanced or expert lists. Advanced and expert tricks count as two points for novice and intermediate titles. Higher level tricks may be repeated for higher level titles. (Example: if one uses an advanced trick for intermediate title that trick may still be counted and used for the advanced title). CTDI’s have discretion to take into account the dog’s age, breed, and characteristics. Physical Manipulation: Handler may not physically manipulate the dog into a trick. Positive: Tricks must be taught through positive reinforcement methods. Service Dogs/Disabled/Senior Dogs: We support your goal and are happy to work with you to establish alternate criteria. Treats/toys may be used as a lure on no more than 25% of tricks.
2 on 2 off/Peanut
2 on 2 off pull back on (pull front feet back onto platform)
Assisted Upright Walking
Balance on top of a ball or peanut (stabilized in a base)
Balance 4 paws on a small block/brick
Baton jumping (jump a handheld bar)
Blind hoop jump
Blowing bubbles
Carry my bag 7 sec
Close a door
Crawl tunnel (low tunnel dog crawls through)
Chute Tunnel
Directional casting
Disc Catch
Discern objects by name
Emergency stop
Fetch to hand
Figure 8 through my legs
Flyball box/swimmers turn
Hand signals (6 behaviors)
Hold object in mouth 5 sec
Honk bike horn
Jump through my circled arms
Jump wraps figure 8 over bar jump)
Leg weave
Look left/look right
Mail carrier
Nose touch, sustained: Sustained nose touch, 4 sec
Open a door
Paw Print painting (paw at easel)
Paw wrap around object and holds it for 5 seconds
Peekaboo (stay b/w legs as I walk)
Pick a card from a deck
Platform jump with hoop b/w platforms
Pull on a rope/tug
Rainbow ladder (only front paws, luring ok)
Roll over
Side step drill
Shake hands
Shake head
Shell game (nose a correct pail)
Sit pretty/beg
Soccer (push a ball)
Stay (out of sight, 20 sec)
Sustained nose touch, 4 sec
Target mark (go to flat/low mark or to magic square)
Advanced Trick Title
Requires 5 tricks from the advanced or expert tricks list. ATD and ETD: All off-leash. A pointed finger may be used, but no treat or toy lures. Handler may give multiple cues, but not badger the dog (ex: “weave weave weave” is OK but not “fetch! go on! get it! go get it! go!”). Handler shall not hover over or crowd the dog.
Arm Weaves
Back up, 5 ft/1.5m
Bark the Answer
Broad Jump
Chorus line kicks
Counter, handler circles around ball, dog stays opposite side of ball
Directed retrieve (3 identical objects)
Distance work 3 behaviors, 10 ft (3m) away ok to treat b/w
Dock Diving
Double hoop circle
Drop on recall
Get your leash
Get the phone when it rings
Food Retrieval
Footsies (peekaboo paws on my feet)
Head down, chin rest
Heel at side, auto sit
Hide (dog hides in box or behind object)
Hide head under a cushion
Hug a toy or object
Hula hoop hold & Spin
Jump into my arms
Jump over my back
Mailbox, open lid, fetch mail
Paintbrush painting (poke brush at easel)
Pickpocket pooch (steal handkerchief from pocket)
Pick up flat item and give to handler
Place (circle behind me, sit at left side)
Play dead
Play piano
Pull a wagon (pull rope attached to wagon)
Rainbow ladder, rear paws through ladder luring OK
Remove socks/slippers
Say prayers
Side, swing finish to sit at my left
Side pass
Side Step drill on stabilized ball
Skateboard front paws only
Spin a tight circle on a small block
Surfing/paddle boarding
Tap light, desk bell, easy button
Target mark touch target with rear foot
Tidy up toys in open box
Treibball send dog to counter, push ball 4 ft/~1m
Turn off light switch
Walk another dog
Wave goodbye
Weight pull a cart or tire while wearing a harness
Wipe your paws, dig at doormat
Expert Trick Title
Requires 5 tricks from the expert tricks list. ETD: All off-leash. A pointed finger may be used, but no treat or toy lures. Handler may give multiple cues, but not badger the dog (ex: “weave weave weave” is OK but not “fetch! go on! get it! go get it! go!”). Handler shall not hover over or crowd the dog. Advanced and expert tricks count as two points for novice and intermediate titles. Higher level tricks may be repeated for higher level titles. (Example: if one uses an expert trick for an intermediate title that trick may still be counted and used for the expert title.) CTDI’s have discretion to take into account the dog’s age, breed,and characteristics. Physical Manipulation: Handler may not physically manipulate the dog into a trick. Positive: Tricks must be taught through positive reinforcement methods. Service Dogs/Disabled/Senior Dogs: We support your goal and are happy to work with you to establish alternate criteria.
Achoo (fetch tissue from box, throw in trash)
Balance beam, double rails
Barrel roll, dog walks on top
Back Up Stairs
Backward Leg Weaves
Barn Hunt
Bring soda from the fridge
Climb Ladder
Cover eyes quick swipe ok
Cross paws
Directed Jumping
Disc vault, rebound off leg, back, hip
Dock Diving Expert Version
Distance work 6 behaviors, 12 ft away (~3.5m), treats ok b/w
Find object with my scent (6 objects)
Fishing rope with treasure hangs over a ledge and the dog pulls up
Footsies peekaboo with dogs feet on handler’s feet walking
Handstand against wall or slant board
Hoop jump over back
Hug toy
Index cards (dog responds to written instructions, any method)
Jump rope
Kennel up open go in, close
Leg hike rear leg lift
Limp walk with front leg lifted 3 steps
Litter in step can
Mailbox open fetch and close
Match to sample
Moonwalk (back up in bow 4 steps)
Nose work box search scent that is not food
Open a door using a handle
Orbit circles handler backwards
Paintbrush painting (takes brush from bucket and pokes easel)
Paw pods 4 feet on 4 targets
Piggybank coin in slot
Push shopping cart
Rainbow ladder, steps backward low height ok
Rainbow ladder pushes ball thru middle
Retrieve Over the High Jump (with formal hand delivery)
Ring toss
Roll in blanket
Rolling hoop dive
Shell game paw
Skateboard 3-4 paws
Through hoop lying on ground
Tidy toys including lid
Tracking human scent trail
Treibbal send to counter push 15 ft/4.5m
Walk on hind legs
Weave poles no lure